The IRIS purchasing requisition and non-competitive justification (NCJ) processes are being replaced with the new requisition system available through the UT Market Place. After September 15, 2017, departments must enter all purchase requisitions in the UT Market Place. This new process has been well received by the departments included in the pilot group. If a purchase is not subject to the bid process, departments must still complete an NCJ. The NCJ form, however, is now shorter in length and routes with the purchasing requisition in the UT Market Place.
The System Procurement Services office will hold two online training sessions per day starting August 28th through September 15th. There will be two additional sessions on September 19 and September 21. Click on the link below to sign up for these sessions:
Training videos are also available on the System Procurement Services website and departments can start using this new requisition process at any time. Click here to access this training material.
If you have questions about the training sessions, contact BJ Roberts at